Atomic coconuts
FútBol CLub
spring SEASON starts jan 11!
Check out the Saturday game calendar below. Make sure to let us know whether you are coming or not on the spreadsheet!
Games are held on Saturday mornings at Mission High School on their brand new turf field next to Dolores Park. There is an entrance on Church St. and Dolores St. between 17th and 18th. If one side isn’t open then it’ll be the other! It just depends what custodian is working that day.
Address: 3750 18th st. San Francisco, CA
Anyone is welcome to join us for Soccer Practice! We design our practices for players who are ready to advance their technical skill set and integrate tactical efficiency to kill it on the field. We usually meet Wednesday nights at Kimbell field depending on interest and availability.
What would soccer games be without team celebration? We go out after the games and on a few other occasions for ice cream socials in Dolores park, to watch soccer games, bunches, potlucks, scrimmages, soccer clinics and happy hours. Check out our social schedule or add your own meet up to the spreadsheet!
Wanna play with us? Join our team next season or be on the sub list so we can call you when we need an extra player.
Join our team facebook group to communicate with your team, get important updates
Connect with other soccer players in SF and get more opportunities to play
Follow us on instagram @atomic_coconuts and make sure to hashtag #AtomicCoconuts in your posts!